Title: The Stress Solution: manage your stress and boost your health
When: Tue 3rd October 7-745pm
Cost: Free
In this 45 minute webinar and discussion Health Coach and Sports Therapist Simon Heale will examine the nuts and bolts of stress, the effects on the body and mind and then how to manage it through various tried and tested means. Lifestyle, diet and exercise to name but a few.
What is Stress and where does it come from
How does stress impact the body, the gut, the mind
How to combat stress through: diet, lifestyle changes and exercise
You will get a practical experience of Simons unique meditation practice
Register Here and for more information contact me
For more of Simons meditations: New mindfulness and meditation podcast now on Spotify, Apple and Amazon
- Daily short meditations on a free subscription: Subscribe here
- 30 min live online meditation sessions: Fri 6pm: Subscribe here
- A 90 minute online Introduction to Mindfulness session Wed 18th May 7-830pm: Subscribe here
- Discounted 1-1 mindfulness based sessions for teens to adults: contact me for more information here
There are some meditation and other relaxation videos on my YouTube channel
Simon Heale
Health Coach
contact me for more information here