Everyone has a challenge in them…..Whats Yours??
Challenge yourself for Haringey Shed
If there is something you have always wanted to do, a burning desire or passion but have never found the right reason or timong perhaps, then now is your chance to do something that pushes you and do it for a fantastic cause. Haringey Shed is an inclusive theatre and performing arts charity based in Tottenham and desperately needs your support to keep its vital services going.
The 100 Club Challenge is a year long fundraiser, with the aim of getting at least 100 separate challenges to raise £1000 per challenge. These challenges do not need to be physical, they can be creative, culinary, educational, team-based, musical: the possibilities are endless. For more information on the 100 Club Challenge and to sign up visit out home page.
On the 27th May i will be running the 100km or 60 miles from London to Brighton to do just that, raise some much needed funds for Haringey Shed. if you would like to support the Shed by sponsoring this endeavour then by all means visit my Justgiving page here and thank you in advance.
If you feel you have a challenge in you, then contact Haringey Shed and sign up.